It is relatively easy to modify the Promise Ultra66 PCI controller to a higher priced FastTrack66 RAID card!
The most inexpensive IDE-RAID controller:
We could hardly believe it, but it really works without any measurable loss of performance!
Of course we do not take any responsibility for destruction, warranty claims, etc. Before !!! soldering, download the firmware from the Promise website and do the flash upgrade.
There are several methods currently popular, – but the method from the Geocities homepage is a bit easier, because you just have to do a flashrom upgrade and solder a 100 Ohm resistor from ground to pin 23 of the flashROM.
With the instructions from the Darmon homepage it is necessary to solder the EEPROM and then solder a SMD resistor.
But both conversion instructions have the same effect and easily double the hard disk speed (of course you need 2 IDE hard disks)!
Here is the controller without modification.
Here we have already soldered the resistor from ground to pin 23.
Here you can order RAID Controller at a reasonable price. *Ad
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