This is how to nickel plate. Nickel-plated surfaces are frequently encountered in everyday life. Furniture fittings, tools and even CPU coolers are often coated with a thin layer of nickel. It protects objects from corrosion and makes them resistant to environmental influences. In the computer area, high-performance CPU coolers are often nickel-plated, as bare copper would otherwise oxidize quickly. In the following nickel plating tutorial on we nickel plate a coldplate and test the nickel plated AIO with liquid … Continue reading DIY Nickel Plating Guide
Misc Mods
Miscellaneous Mods
Build Compressor Cooling DIY Tutorial
A new reader test or rather reader project has just been published on We have already tested several PC compressor coolers, but have not yet built a compressor cooler ourselves. Today Thomas aka tjh has created a worklog in our PC forum and shows step by step how he built his own compressor cooler.
Ballistix Tactical Tracer RGB MOD Video Tutorial
Shortly after the Ballistix Tactical Tracer RGB 8GB DDR4-2666 Review we received an improved Ballistix M.O.D. version of Micron. Now we could add the corresponding screenshots to the Ballistix Tactical Tracer RGB DDR4 review and also created a Ballistix MOD tutorial video in German with English subtitles about all Ballistix Tactical Tracer RGB effects on First of all, the Ballistix RGB RAM modules looks really good on the ASRock X299 Taichi motherboard in combination with the RGB chipset cooler!
When the cooler doesn’t fit onto your board because of a tall capacitor!
What to do if the heatsink does not fit on the Mainboard, just because an electrolytic capacitor is beneath the socket and prevents an attachment of a bigger heatsink or a capacitor beneath the AGP slot prevents you to put your brandnew Geforce 4 card in the AGP slot ? In my example it was the alpha PAL 8045 heatsink which has prepared some problems on the ENMIC 8TCX+ Obviously, you can treat on the one hand the ventilator with … Continue reading When the cooler doesn’t fit onto your board because of a tall capacitor!