Layout, design and features …
Certainly, the weight reduction to 58 grams without the meanwhile widespread perforation of the case surface is a central feature. Cleaning is more practical and the mouse glides effortlessly and briskly over the surfaces with every hand movement. Subjectively, we found the mouse to be a bit underweight at first. We may be forgiven for the old spirit of higher quality through heavier and more material; rickety and cheap is not the model on closer inspection. The gray Cooler Master logo on the back also displays the discreet and not at all overloaded RGB lighting.
The mouse wheel, side buttons (as usual for forward and backward page navigation) and USB port head were kept gray so that there is at least some contrast apart from the illumination. A pure white design would certainly be too reminiscent of old times, where the PC, monitor and peripherals came in plain white. Angular grooves as an outer accentuation reveal an undoubtedly more modern and refined design here. The mouse wheel grips well and securely.
Even if descriptions like “Ultraweave Cable” might seem a bit exaggerated, the sheathing of the USB cable actually feels very soft and delicate and goes into the connector head without a visible transition. The USB-C port is tight and has to be released by wiggling it back and forth. The build quality could actually be a bit better here because the connector wiggles a bit when it is removed.
The upside-down mouse – we promised – has some interesting details ready. On the right in the center, you can switch between the three connection modes. At the bottom, the DPI value can be adjusted and there is no need for software here, although changing the DPI while playing faster titles like Modern Warefare or Overwatch 2 is certainly not possible. The placement below the mouse can be advantageous under certain circumstances, since the user might accidentally get hold of the button on the upper side. Nevertheless, the constant turning of the mouse turned out to be a bit annoying, at least in our test phase. If you already know your perfect setting, you can of course select it before starting a game. When changing the DPI value, the sensor briefly lights up in an assigned color.
The already missing dongle is behind the left flap. Since such a small object can quickly get lost, we like the idea of using the storage space. A lot would have to happen for all the connectivity options to fail or get lost. This is not a problem with Bluetooth anyway.
The user manual reveals some tricks for modifying the color spectrum and the switching order. The color changes with the wheel key and the forward key on the side; the LED mode can be changed with the wheel key and the backward key. Of course, the logo’s illumination can be turned off completely if necessary.
Cooler Master Mouse MM712 Matte White Practical testing …