Thermaltake fan with three swappable fan blades for high air pressure, high airflow or reverse airflow! Today we tested on OCinside.de the new Thermaltake SWAFAN GT fan in 120mm and 140mm. We show how well the Thermaltake SWAFAN GT12 and GT14 perform in the test, how they can be installed and what exactly is included in the delivery we show in the stop-motion unboxing video and in the following review.
The SWAFAN GT are PC fans of the TT Premium Edition, whereby the name stands for one of the main features of this series: Swappable Fans = interchangeable fan blades. The GT series offers three variants of fan blades.
The SWAFAN GT fan also aims to impress with a daisy-chain design, speeds of up to 2000 rpm at low noise levels and good vibration damping. We are excited to see how the fans perform in practice.
We hope you enjoy reading the new test.
Thanks for the support …
Thanks for the support to swedeken and the manufacturer Thermaltake.
The SWAFAN GT is currently only available without RGB LEDs in black in the sizes 120mm (GT 12) and 140mm (GT14) in individual packs.
There is also a SWAFAN EX series with RGB and frame color black or white, but only 2 fan blade variants are available here.
The Thermaltake SWAFAN GT12 and GT14 fan can be purchased for approx. 25-35 Euro (12/2023).
Here you can order the Thermaltake SWAFAN GT12 and GT14 fans at a reasonable price. *Ad
The delivery of the SWAFAN GT12 and GT14 …
We ordered two GT12 and two GT14 fans for the test. The fans are each packed in relatively voluminous individual boxes, in which you would initially expect to find several fans. This assumption is not entirely wrong, as the three different fan sheets mean that you basically get three fundamentally different fan types in one. The packaging is in elegant black and gray, with a little yellow-orange as an accent.
The front is emblazoned with a glossy print of the included fan and the back features illustrations of the special features.
The complete specifications are listed in tabular form on a side panel.
This is included in the delivery package …
When you open it, the first thing you notice is a small leaflet with the warranty conditions, after which you can gradually remove three more boxes. If you like, you can also watch a short Stop Motion video on our OCinside YouTube channel.
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The smallest box contains the accessories:
– the installation instructions with the parts list
– 4 mounting screws each for mounting on the housing or radiator
– a 4-pin PWM cable adapter 1-to-2
– a 1ml syringe with 0.5ml lubricant
The next box contains the fan frame with a pre-installed fan blade for high static pressure:
The third is a cardboard frame with two plastic inserts containing the two alternative fan sheets.
Thermaltake SWAFAN GT12 and GT14 technical specifications …