As you could already see in some tests here at OCinside, Thrustmaster has a very lucky hand when it comes to gaming peripherals of all kinds. The T500RS racing wheel or the specialized Hotas Warthog, everything has a high value and convinced us. Today, Thrustmaster sends something to us, many users do not have on their radar. The parent company Guillemot produced under the brand name Hercules already for many years DJ or PC audio technology. And so we want to present you the Thrustmaster 280CPX. Shooting star or just poor dog? We will find out on OCinside.de.
Many thanks for the support …
Many thanks for the support to Marauder25 and Thrustmaster.
The Thrustmaster Y-280CPX headset has at review date a price of approx. 50 Euro.
Here you can buy the Thrustmaster 280CPX Headset. *Ad
The delivery of the Thrustmaster 280CPX headset …
The great Harry Houdini could not have done better. It is simply amazing how much Thrustmaster can put in a relatively small carton.
Inside there is a inlay made out of recycled carton …
… which holds 3 audio cables, the control unit incl. connection cable, the swivel arm with the microphone included and various booklets.
Of course, the star of the evening must not be missing. The Thrustmaster 280CPX incl. a short connection cable.
All in all we can say in terms of delivery the Thrustmaster 280CPX can fully convince us. But did Thrustmaster really thought of everything? Let’s first take a look at the technical details.